For Primary Schools

FEAST for Primary Schools is a FREE curriculum-aligned for Years 5 & 6, although it can be adapted for younger years.

FEAST resources include the essential tools to support teachers to easily implement the program to address a real-world curriculum. Students learn about why food waste is an issue, what we can do to reduce food waste, how we can make healthier food choices and prepare healthy recipes using food that is often wasted at home.

The 10-week unit of work uses an inquiry-based and integrated approach to learning that can be adapted to suit teachers and students. The culmination of the FEAST program is the School Cookbook which brings to life everything students have learnt about food waste and healthy eating.

Download our FEAST Brochure for more information to share with others in your school.

FEAST Program FAQs

Which aspects of the curriculum are addressed by the FEAST program?

The project-based nature of the program covers content descriptors across the curriculum for students in Years 5 & 6, particularly in:

  • Science
  • Technologies
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics and
  • English curriculum outcomes

The cross-curriculum priority of Sustainability is addressed as well as a number of general capabilities.The FEAST program explores the food system, food waste and nutrition. It provides context to: “Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments and prepared to enable people to grow and be healthy.” (ACTDEK021)

By questioning and seeking solutions to this real-world problem, students will develop an understanding of science and technology and how it influences our community and the natural world.

When applying the process of “Design and Production”, students engage actively with real-world solutions and use technological skills, knowledge and understanding to create solutions to reduce food waste.

Through applying their science inquiry skills, students develop their understanding of scientific evidence in making informed decisions about the use of Science and Technology in their lives.

The creation of the School Cookbook facilitates the literacy aspect of the program as students read, interpret and create procedural and other informative written and multimodal texts.

Following and writing recipes provides students a real-life application for working mathematically, investigating measurement, estimating, using fractions, problem-solving and representing and interpreting data.

For more information about the FEAST primary school program addresses the curriculum, access the FEAST Curriculum one-pager.

Should all the activities be undertaken?

While the unit is targeted at Years 5 and 6 students, this is a suggested age range only and teachers are encouraged to adapt and change the program to suit your school’s needs. The program is designed to run over a 10-week period, but it also provides flexibility for you to undertake the activities within your own schedule.

The OzHarvest FEAST team can support you with adapting the unit to suit your school calendar, alternative year levels and skills levels.

How do these units fit into a weekly program?

Although the unit integrates a range of key subject areas, it is not designed to be a total program. It is assumed that regular routines that operate in the classroom will continue to run parallel with the unit of work.

Can I teach the program as an online course as well?

Yes, you can! The FEAST team has developed 8 lessons and activities that are available as online resources for you and your students. Once enrolled in the program, you will get free access to our online portal to download all the lessons and activities you need. We also offer a 3-hour online training module that is flexible and practical to kick start your FEAST journey with your students.

What is the teaching and learning model Solution Fluency?

The Solution Fluency Model is the path to gain problem-solving skills and foster a deep understanding of local community issues. It offers students the opportunity to develop a wide range of life-long learning skills including:

  • Research
  • Teamwork
  • Community engagement

The interactive teaching and learning approach uses the solution fluency six phases: Define; Discover; Dream; Design; Deliver and Debrief.

  • Define: Intellectually engages students with a challenge, problem, question and task.
  • Discover: Includes activities in which students can explore, investigate, research, read, discuss, gather, organise and compare knowledge and data.
  • Dream: Enables students to imagine and develop possible solutions and explanations for the challenge, problem, question or task.
  • Design: Provides opportunities for students to apply new knowledge to situations, mapping production processes and developing a deeper understanding of a challenge, problem, question or phenomenon.
  • Deliver: This phase has two stages (a) production where the task comes to life and the student completes the work (b) presenting or publishing the work to an audience.
  • Debrief: Provides an opportunity for students to revisit, review and reflect on their own learning, new understanding and skills. Source: Solution Fluency
What content will I be teaching in the theory lessons?

Primary School lessons include: The essential question and scenario, change makers and where food comes from, using STEM thinking for problem solving, learning how to stop food waste, learning about eating a variety of foods, the design brief, generating ideas, designing and delivering the recipe and debriefing.  

I don’t know much about food waste in Australia or cooking with food that might be wasted – will I be able to teach FEAST effectively?

Yes! The unit is designed in such a way that the teacher is a co-learner and are provided with teacher notes. Most importantly, teachers will find that they learn and make discoveries alongside students. The program also includes professional development teacher training for teachers to confidently deliver the program and the FEAST team is always available to provide support when needed. So why wait – sign up now!

How can I get the wider community engaged in the FEAST program?

Part of the FEAST program is the design and creation of a School Cookbook for primary schools and a FightFood Waste Promo for high schools. Whenever possible, we strongly recommend presenting any student creations to the local community or during a school assembly to engage and inspire the rest of your school. This is also a good way for your students to learn about presenting and engaging others in their journey fighting food waste.

We love being part of school celebrations so please let your FEAST Coordinator know when you are planning to showcase your School Cookbooks or Fight Food Waste Promos and if possible we will attend in-person or organise an online celebration!

What about differing tastes and eating preferences?

The FEAST program empowers students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to establish and maintain positive health behaviours. Encouraging children to eat a variety of foods for health and wellbeing.   

All FEAST recipes are aligned to the Healthy Eating Advisory Services, FoodChecker for healthy eating and are classified GREEN according to the Healthy Choices guidelines. The FEAST program addresses the Food and wellbeing framework in V9 Australian Curriculum. 

The FEAST Practical Guide available through the teacher portal offers recipe substitutions for students who have allergies and/or intolerances or dietary preferences such as vegetarian, pescatarian and vegan. 

Is FEAST suitable for students with diverse needs?

Yes, FEAST offers adaptable materials, visual guides, hands-on activities, and support for cultural and dietary preferences. Our team of teachers are available to support you to make adaptations or modifications to materials and instructions. For more information, please contact us at gro.t1739751496sevra1739751496hzo@T1739751496SAEF1739751496 for our ‘Inclusive Teaching Toolkit’.

Are there any costs involved in running FEAST at my school?

The FEAST curriculum package and teacher training is FREE to all schools across Australia.

To see if you are eligible for additional school funding, it’s important that you first fill out the registration form and one of our FEAST team members will contact you with more details.

If your school is eligible for funding, the cost of the whole program will be covered including the classroom kitchen kit, electric frying pan set, apron pack and food voucher support. In some instances, you will need to buy the groceries needed for the cooking sessions, which is estimated at $10 per student to undertake 6 practical lessons.

To gain an understanding of the itemised costs for the FEAST cooking kits and frying pan set, please visit the FEAST shop.

I am not a teacher; how can I support OzHarvests journey in fighting food waste?

We are so grateful that so many people get behind our mission and help support our cause. If you’re looking for ways you can fight food waste engage others and ask your local school in your area to sign up to the FEAST program by visiting the FEAST website. We organise many events across the country and are always looking for volunteers. Have a look at our website on how to get engage and join our journey.

Cheese Bread
Banana icn-strawberry-mid

Join the FEAST program