For High Schools
OzHarvest identified an opportunity in the Australian Curriculum to bring together sustainability, food waste and a food exploration approach to nutrition education, creating a new and exciting program for Year 7 & 8 students.
FEAST is a FREE program that addresses the Australian Curriculum in Design and Technologies and Food Specialisations content and can be adapted to suit your school’s needs or delivered in an online learning environment.
During the 10-week program, students learn about the issue and impact of food waste on our environment and how to plan, prepare and cook a variety of nutritious recipes. They follow a design process to produce an information sheet, design their own ‘Use It Up’ recipe and showcase their research and knowledge in a creative ‘Fight Food Waste’ promo.
To run the program, teachers are encouraged to sign up to a FREE 2-hour online professional development teacher training provided by OzHarvest that is interactive, practical and easy to complete.
To start your FEAST journey, fill out the registration form and one of our team will get in touch to start the enrolment process.
Thanks to support from corporate and philanthropic organisations, financial support is available to help eligible schools undertake the program. Eligibility for funding is confirmed after registration.
Watch FEAST in action!
The wonderful students and teachers at Ingleburn High School share with us what they love about the FEAST program.
Curriculum Package
Cooking in the Classroom
Professional Development
Fight Food Waste Promo
How does the FEAST high school program address the Australian Curriculum outcomes and relevant state syllabus?
When applying the process of “Design and Production”, high school students engage actively with real world solutions and use technological skills, knowledge and understanding to create solutions to reduce food waste. Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding of the relationship between food science and technology, and the significance of their contribution to and influence on society and our natural world.
Students actively engage with real-world solutions and use technological skills, knowledge and understanding to create solutions to reduce food waste, ensuring that all Australians have a sustainable future.
This unit addresses the cross-curriculum priorities of Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, as well as several general capabilities.
For more information about the FEAST high school program addresses the curriculum, access the FEAST Curriculum one-pager.
Should all the activities in the FEAST program be undertaken?
The program is adaptable and flexible to suit your needs! You can choose to run the unit for several weeks or an entire term, depending on your school’s circumstances.
The OzHarvest FEAST team can support you with adapting the unit to suit your school calendar, alternative year levels and skills levels.
Where can I find the teacher and student resources?
Once enrolled in the program, you and your students will get free access to our online portal to download all the lessons and activities you need. We also offer a 3-hour online training module that is flexible and practical to kick start your journey in fighting food waste with your students.
Can I teach the program as an online course as well?
Yes, our resources are available through an online portal and access is provided as soon as your school has enrolled in the program.
Is FEAST suitable for students with diverse needs?
Yes, FEAST offers adaptable materials, visual guides, hands-on activities, and support for cultural and dietary preferences. Our team of teachers are available to support you to make adaptations or modifications to materials and instructions. For more information, contact gro.t1739752167sevra1739752167hzo@T1739752167SAEF1739752167 for our ‘Inclusive Teaching Toolkit’.
What about differing tastes and eating preferences?
The FEAST program empowers students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to establish and maintain positive health behaviours. Encouraging children to eat a variety of foods for health and wellbeing.
All FEAST recipes are aligned to the Healthy Eating Advisory Services, FoodChecker for healthy eating and are classified GREEN according to the Healthy Choices guidelines. The FEAST program addresses the Food and wellbeing framework in V9 Australian Curriculum.
The FEAST Practical Guide available through the teacher portal offers recipe substitutions for students who have allergies and/or intolerances or dietary preferences such as vegetarian, pescatarian and vegan.
What content will I be teaching in the theory lessons?
High School lessons include: The essential question and scenario, investigating and defining- the issue of food waste, future thinkers and innovative solutions, reducing food waste with kitchen science, making informed food choices and eating a variety of foods, generating a Use It Up™ recipe card, collaborating, managing & designing – project planning and designing solutions, producing and implementing- produce, publish and present, delivering the Fight Food Waste promotion and evaluation.
Are there any costs involved in running the program at my school?
The FEAST teacher training and online curriculum package is FREE to all schools that register interest and enrol!
For a class of 30 students to undertake 6 cooking lessons the estimated food cost is $350. To receive additional funding support for food costs or equipment please register interest and a FEAST Coordinator will provide you with an offer or contact us directly at gro.t1739752167sevra1739752167hzo@T1739752167SAEF1739752167